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To benefit society by promoting the development and realization of Digital Earth


IJDE Impact Factor Hits All Time High: 4.606

According to the just released 2022 Journal Citation Report (JCR), the International Journal of Digital Earth (IJDE) gets its new impact factor (IF): 4.606. This is the highest IF for IJDE, which makes the journal now rank 11 of 48 Geography, Physical journals (Q1), and 15 of 34 Remote Sensing journals (Q2).


Launched in March 2008, IJDE is one of the academic journals of the International Society for Digital Earth, which is supported by the Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (AIR-CAS), and jointly published by Taylor & Francis Group. The Editor-in-Chief of IJDE is Professor Huadong GUO, and the Editorial Office is hosted by AIR-CAS.


IJDE is the first international peer-reviewed academic journal that focusing on the fields related to Digital Earth. It seeks progress visions for Digital Earth frameworks, policies, and standards. IJDE aims to publish research foundlings on Digital Earth theories, technologies and applications, which improve the understanding of the Earth and support knowledge-based solutions.


Currently, IJDE has become the core academic platform in the international research field of Digital Earth. It is and will play a more important role in the disciplinary development of Digital Earth, the promotion of information sharing at a global scale, and the leading of the sustainable development of Digital Earth science and technology.


For more information about the journal, please visit: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/tjde20/current .